Easy Ways to Stay On Top of Things
As a lifelong procrastinator and excuse-maker, I have had to work even harder than normal to make sure that I stay on top of things and meet goals. B is amazing at self-discipline and has actually lost weight during quarantine. On purpose. (Insert jealous eye roll here).
Make your coffee/tea, set up your lemon water*, and lay out your yoga clothes each night.
This seriously takes 10 minutes of my evening and sets me up for success the next day. I cannot believe how such a tiny change has made such a HUGE difference in my morning.
*Also, drink warm lemon water with a pinch of cayenne pepper, a pinch of cinnamon, and a teaspoon of local honey mixed in every morning. I absolutely am not a doctor, but let me tell you how much I firmly believe that this benefits you. Kickstarts your metabolism, sets up your digestive system for success, helps keep your skin clear, and the local honey helps stave off allergies.
Do yoga/pilates/run in the morning
I don’t actually love exercise. But I cannot deny that what they say is true; exercise absolutely gives you energy. I sit a lot of my day, so starting off with yoga to get my blood pumping makes me feel accomplished and ready to tackle any item on my list.
Do 1 load of laundry every week day
I love having my weekends to do anything but house work, so I view the week time to get things done. Every day, I put in a load of laundry and I make sure it ends up where it needs to be (mostly, sometimes there’s a basket of clean clothes that lingers a day or two…)
Make a I Promise Myself I Will list every morning
I never get To Do lists done, but I never break a promise, so I started to make I Promise Myself I Will lists. I wake up, drink my lemon water, drink coffee, do yoga and then write down my list on a big dry erase board (like this one) in my office that I have decorated with washi tape and use fun colors to color code. It is so satisfying crossing things off one by one!
Never skip a Monday
Whatever your habits that you are trying to build - working out, watching TV less, reading more, walking the dogs more often, or not wearing yoga pants one day that week, make sure you do it on Monday. Once it’s done on Monday, you just need to keep going instead of getting started (which is way harder).
Every day, I take care of one thing I don’t love to do (like mop or reconcile a report) and then one thing I love to do (like taking a bath or going through photos). Balance is key.
Take breaksI have a nasty habit of “powering through”. While there is a lot of merit to grinding through tough things, I definitely find it easier if I schedule breaks. I am a very visual person, so I use sand timers. I found these on Amazon and I keep a set at work and a set at home, plus they are fun colors!
Self Care
Take 30 minutes and have a super relaxing bath. Mix in some epsom salts (I love this mix of options so I can take a bath based on my mood), light a candle, and read or look at Pinterest or play candy crush — whatever completely zones you out. B takes a super relaxing bath once a week after his Wild Man Workout. You do you.
Meal Prep
Friends, let me tell you about the gloriousness of meal prep. Cook for a few hours once a week, and then take it easy for the rest of the week! Save cash money by planning ahead and not wasting food! Stay on track with whatever your diet goals are because you already set yourself up for success! (Can you tell how pumped I am about this?!) Stay tuned for my meal prep posts.
Forgive yourself
If you don’t get anything done one day, then oh well. Tomorrow is a brand new day and you have 365 chances to have an amazing one! Don’t beat yourself up about it, just use it as fuel to do better tomorrow!